Saturday, July 8, 2023

At th Boston MFA

At the Boston MFA French Film Festival. 

Always feel at home here. 

I used to hook school and hang out here on particularly bad days. 

They alway let me in. “No school today”, I’d say if questioned by the guards. I could be convincing and no one ever turned me away.  

Went for Monet Haystacks and Sargent portraits. 

And of course, the Mummies.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Mezza Mezza

Changes bring chances, he said

The door knob sprang off

during a springtime nap-dream.

Walk on by - thanks for asking.

Sunday, February 12, 2023


 Rising up from a place  

        not seen, heard or loved.

A real melting in the dark,

        in the falling rain ☔ 


Never seen again.

Oh no.                

                   © Karen Joyce


At th Boston MFA

At the Boston MFA French Film Festival.  Always feel at home here.  I used to hook school and hang out here on particularly bad days.  They ...

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